

Preface 2nd Edition

Chapter 1: Trigonometry

Chapter 1: Trigonometry

Chapter 1: Practice

Chapter 2: Vectors

Chapter 2: Vectors

Chapter 2: Practice

Chapter 3: Measurement and units

Chapter 3: Measurements

Chapter 3: Practice

Chapter 4: Measuring motion

Chapter 4.1: Position

Chapter 4.2: Velocity

Chapter 4.3: Position vs. time

Chapter 4.4: Acceleration

Chapter 4: Practice

Chapter 5: Rotational motion

Chapter 5.1: Angular position, velocity, and acceleration

Chapter 5.2: Connecting translation and rotation

Chapter 5: Practice

Chapter 6: Energy

Chapter 6.1: Conservation

Chapter 6.2-3: Inertia and kinetic energy

Chapter 6.4: Potential energy

Chapter 6.5: Problem Solving

Chapter 6.6: “Waste”

Chapter 6: Practice Part 1

Chapter 6: Practice Part 2

Chapter 7: Linear momentum

Chapter 7.1: Linear Momentum

Chapter 7.2-3: Collisions and ballistic pendulum

Chapter 7.4: Two-dimensional collisions

Chapter 7: Practice Part 1

Chapter 7: Practice Part 2

Chapter 8: Angular momentum

Chapter 8: Angular momentum & conservation

Chapter 8: Practice

Chapter 9: Force

Chapter 9.1-3: Forces and Newton’s laws

Chapter 9.4-5: Problem solving and equilibrium

Chapter 9.6-9.8: Inclines, circles, and gravity

Chapter 10: Work

Chapter 10: Work

Chapter 10: Practice

Chapter 11: Torque

Chapter 11: Torque

Chapter 11: Practice

Chapter 12: Kinematics

Chapter 12: Kinematics

Chapter 12: Practice


If you would like to dig deeper into some of the math, here are some resources for you:

Pythagorean Theorem Visual Proof
