- Simple arithmetic [26 Oct 12PM]
Automatically generate expressions using arithmetical operators that the students can try themselves and then show the answer,
e.g 2 * 3 + 4 / 12 + 120
2. Add prefix notation too, such as Sin, Cos, etc. [26 Oct 12PM]
3. Show highly complex like this and tell the what the inputs should be (this is just a sample, but the point is to show them expressions with a mix of representation) [26 Oct 12PM]
4. Evaluate prefix notation [26 Oct 12PM]
5. Evaluate binary ASTs [26 Oct 12PM]
6. Produce AST from simple arithmetic expression (only infix like in example 1) [26 Oct 12PM]
7. Produce AST from expressions as in module 2 [26 Oct 12PM]
8. Produce AST from expressions as in module 3 [26 Oct 12PM]
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